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to bring


The first goal is to offer hope to the women of Pader. Hope provides an opportunity to dream. We offer hope through our Women's Ministry, Alcohol Addiction Support Groups, and The Bead Project. The Bead Project employs women making paper bead jewelry that we sell in the U.S. in our online shop, jewelry parties, and select retailers.


We have a focus on health physically, spiritually, and mentally. We strive for a healthy community through our Women's Ministry, Mercy Program, and Malaria Testing/Treatments. Our focus on health is not only on the women, but on the entire family unit and community. When health is present, growth can happen.


We have a goal to see women feel empowered and pursue their own dreams, which then adds a level of sustainability to Pader. We offer Business Trainings & Micro Loans and have seen over 50 businesses open as a result of these programs. Our Impact Center, Pig Project, and additional programs focus on financial sustainability and independence for the people of Pader. Our education scholarships provide a vision and investment in the next generation. Sustainability supports a bright future.

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Women's Ministry

Community through fellowship and intentional relationship is a core value of our faith. The Women of Pader Uganda is partnered with Pader Community Church to ensure that the spiritual needs of our women and the community we serve are being met. Many women lead and attend small groups weekly. Each small group is given a Proclaimer, a device that reads the New Testament aloud in Acholi, the women's tribe language.


The Bead Project

The Bead Project employs up to 400 women making recycled paper and glass bead jewelry. These women artisans blend traditional African crafts with modern jewelry trends to create unique and lovely necklaces, bracelets, earrings, and gifts.


Business Trainings

We offer business trainings taught according to the economic needs of Pader for women interested in opening their own businesses. Each woman has an opportunity to think through and create a business plan with the help of a coach.


Micro-loan Program

For women who have gone through our business training program with qualifying business plans, we have micro-loan opportunities so that they can see their business dreams become a reality. We have had fifty women go on to open their own businesses through this program.

Education Scholarships

We believe we can equip Pader towards self-sustainability by investing in the next generation. All schools, even government ones, require tuition in Uganda. Education scholarships make it possible for many children, teens, and young adults to attend primary, secondary, or trade school.


The Mercy Program

The Mercy Program is in the business of caring for the most vulnerable in the Pader community and is reserved for families and individuals at risk of starvation or death from disease. This program is aimed at rehabilitation and the needs of those who qualify for the program are handled on an individual basis.

The Impact Center

The TWOPU Impact Center currently employs ten women who are working in the data labeling industry. They are trained and equipped to work on micro tasks that include image and video annotation, data collection, and classification for Artificial Intelligence businesses. Our hope is that this program continues to expand and provide more sustainable jobs to those in Pader.


The Maize Project

The Maize Project exists to bring opportunity and fulfill different needs. First, The Maize Project allows families to work together to grow maize to sell TWOPU as a great economic opportunity for them and . An added benefit to the families is that they can keep some maize to feed their own pigs or TWOPU buys the maize and uses it to feed the hundreds of pigs on the campus piggery and also create posha for feeding families or individuals in need of food in our Mercy Program.


The Pig Project

The Pig Project is an initiative to teach evangelism and responsibility. Each woman in our program will be given a female pig as a long term asset, which they will care for and breed.  They are instructed to give one of the first litter back to TWOPU and another one to a woman outside the organization, offering an opportunity to share their faith. The ones returned to TWOPU will begin a new 4H program for the Pader Community school.



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